utterance recording in case of maxspeechtimeout

 Dear Voice Browser Working Group,

   VXML 2.1. introduced the option of utterance recording, the results of 
   which (recording, recordingsize and recordingduration) are stored in the 
   "application.lastresult$" object "whenever the application.lastresult$ 
   object is assigned", i.e. "immediately after any recognition."
   In our use case the utterance recording is enabled but the 
   input state is left after a "maxspeechtimeout" event occurred - 
   without any recognition, the lastresult$ objects remains undefined 
   and the attempt to access its recording fields causes an error.
   One could argue "maxspeechtimeout" designates an invalid input which 
   exceeded a reasonable time frame restricted by the application developer
   (e.g. to prevent continuous recognition in noisy environment). 
   On the other  hand, one would  want to analyze exactly these recordings to 
   determine what exactly has been said, whether any recognizable  information
   was provided etc.  
   Can you please clarify how the "maxspeechtimeout" event has to be handled
   in respect of availability of lastresult properties, especially whether
   at least the recording data should be stored for further processing ? 

  To support the latter use case, the VoiceXML 2.1 specification should 
  mention that the "maxspeechtimeout" event must fill the recording property 
  of lastresult$ or recording shadow variables of the corresponding input state.

  Many thanks
      Jaroslav Pullmann

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Received on Wednesday, 22 November 2006 15:09:56 UTC