Few isses about VoiceXML 2.0 specification

Just trying to make sense To VoiceXML Implementation report cases and
specification about ecmascript variables.

Assigning to undeclared variable.: IR Case (1179)

Specification states that assign a value to an object x that is not declared
in any scope causes error semantic to be thrown. But assigning value to
undeclared property of declared object x is allowed ? So if I declare new
property x to declared (scope)object application with <assign
name="application.x" value="new Object()"/> which rule I should follow ? Is
this allowed.

Was the idea to make scope object special 'non ecmascript' objects, or make
some kind of separation between properties and variables ?

Could this be clarified in errata of 2.0 or 2.1.

And then about 'drafts'

My latest comments on (15.6) about 2.1 draft concerning foreach were
addressed on VoiceXML forum :
Too bad no one (me included) noticed this in the working draft..
In this sense, what is the meaning of draft if it cannot be changed, or is
this going to be changed.

Best Regards
	Teemu Tingander

Received on Thursday, 3 November 2005 08:40:33 UTC