Re: SCXML Variable Scope

Skip Cave,

I think For SCXML variable scope is implicit.

 State S1 may have Substate S11,s12,s13......,s1n
    same way SUB_STATE s11 may have further Substate  s111,s112,s113,.....,s11n

     and so on......
    So its, Recursive in Nature...And Hard to Fix  numbers of Scope level...

(Refer SCXML draft 3.2.1, State...)
state Defines a sequential substate of the parent state. May occur 0 or more times. Incompatible with the parallel property.

And Implicitly assumed Scope Localization Rule 

(i.e. Variable named 'A' of state S1 is available to All the Substates(and Substates of Substates ...) if not explicitly override)

But If you want to Achieve Same thing lile Vxml...
then you might have 

State Session1,Session2,Session3.....SessionN 

Each Session May Have Further Sub-State(s)...

so STATE Session1 may have Sub-State(s)  (which are Applications) App1,App2,App3,.....,AppN(Applications)

Each Application might have Further Sub-State(s) (which are Document)
So STATE App1 might have Doc1,Doc2,Doc3...,DocN

Each Document might have Further Sub-State(s) (Which are Dialog)
So STATE Doc1 might have Dlg1,Dlg2,Dlg3...,DlgN

and Say for Session1  Variable named 'A' is Declared
then it should be Also in Scope of All the Sub-State(and All sub-state of sub-state...)

i.e. (Ses1 //Variable 'A'
      );Ses1 ends here...  

Variable 'A' is Visible in App1,App2,Doc1,Doc2,Dlg1,Dlg2,Dlg3... and all the sub-state of them.

Also if Doc1 has Override the Variable 'A' It would not be  effect 
Doc2...but Affect Dlg1,Dlg2,Dlg3 and all the sub-state of them.

Same rules applies to Event-Handler also.

(VoiceXml Scoping is only Example...same way CCXML Scoping may be Described by Adding more Constraint to SCXML )

So As such SCXML is More Generalize,Simple and Flexible.

Waiting for Further Response....

Raxit Sheth
Systems Software Engineer
Tel: +91-22-22029732
Fax: +91-22-22029728

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