Re: [CCXML] dialogs & connections


As documented in appendix D of the CCXML Spec under the "User Disconnect" it
is currently the responsibility of the CCXML application to terminate the
dialog connection (See below for the spec quote).


> User Disconnect
> When a caller hangs up on one of the connections the VoiceXML dialog is not
> automatically disconnected. The CCXML  application then needs to send a
> "connection.disconnect.hangup" event to the VoiceXML application  by using the
> <dialogterminate> element so it can complete any  cleanup that is required.
> The VoiceXML application can then still return data to the CCXML application
> by using the VoiceXML <exit> element.

On 03/10/2005 23:08, "Technologies @ Phonologies"
<> wrote:

> Hi all,
> When a connection gets disconnected, should we also destroy the dialog
> associated with that connection OR the user must destroy it using the
> <dialogterminate> tag?
> Raj

RJ Auburn
CTO, Voxeo Corporation

Received on Friday, 11 March 2005 15:49:06 UTC