Summary of the Voice Browser Working Group December meeting in Turin Italy

Loquendo hosted the W3C Voice Browser Working Group in Turin, Italy, in 
December.  Thanks to Loquendo for their great logistical arrangements 
and support. 

The working group members agreed to produce an XML language based on 
Harel's state charts.  This language will be the basis for VoiceXML 3.0, 
the next version of CCXML, and will be a candidate for the Multimodal 
Authoring Language being developed by our sister working group, the 
Multimodal Interaction Working Group.

The Pronunciation Lexicon Specification subgroup worked on revisions to 
the internal working draft and it is close to publishing it. This 
language will allow developers to specify application specific 
pronunciation for use by speech recognition and speech synthesis engines. 

The Call Control subgroup made several minor changes to the CCXML 
document in preparation for its second last call working draft 
publication.  The last call working draft of CCXML is now available at

The next face-to-face meeting will be in Boston on March 3-4, 2005 in 
conjunction with the Technical plenary session.  The Voice Browser 
Working Group  is in the process of being rechartered. The deadline for
Advisory Committee Representatives to respond to the call for review was 
the 7th of January. After approval by W3C management, the Voice Browser 
member list will be cleared and all members will have to rejoin in
response to the call for participation.

Jim Larson
Co-chair, Voice Browser Working Group

Received on Thursday, 13 January 2005 02:22:29 UTC