POST requests, namelistexpr and application.lastresult$.slot[]

Dear VBWG,
even though this request comes (slightly) after September 1st, I would still like to point you to some shortcomings that I see in the current VoiceXML specification. 
Here's my christmas wish list...:
1.) Allow POST requests with <link> and <choice>
Currently you can only do GET requests using "next" or "expr" with these two elements. With attributes "namelist" and "method", you could perform POST requests, in case you have to deal with larger content.
2.) Add attribute "namelistexpr" wherever "namelist" is allowed
Sometimes you need to dynamically determine which parameters to submit. For this case, an attribute "namelistexpr" would be useful to compute the namelist, instead of defining it statically at development time.
3.) Provide an application.lastresult$.slot[] array
On some platforms you can retrieve things like interpretation or confidence individually for slots in a multi-slot input state, e.g. via application.lastresult$.interpretation.slotname, or field
Especially for multi-slot input states, an object like application.lastresult$.slot with .name, .utterance, .confidence, ..inputmode, and .interpretation would allow for generic iteration over all slots set in a form, e.g. in a script that compiles and prepares all these values for sending them back to a server. "name" would hold the slot name, "utterance" ,"confidence", "inputmode", and "interpretation" are the already known information items for a caller utterance.
For those platforms that support both inputmodes (voice and dtmf) in one utterance --- example: "Was your PIN 6789?" - "[caller saying:] No [and typing:] 6785") --- (are there any?), slotwise .inputmode retrieval would allow to check the inputmode used for the various slots.
Thank you and kind regards
Tobias Göbel 
Program Manager 

VoiceObjects AG - simplifying voice technologies - 
   D 51429 Bergisch Gladbach 

   Web: <>  

Received on Tuesday, 23 November 2004 10:16:10 UTC