Chair's report for NY F2F meetings

The Voice Browser Working Group held several subgroup meetings in New York
between September 17 and 24. 

The new Pronunciation Lexicon subgroup reviewed and modified the old Lexicon
requirements document and is preparing it for publication. Various 
proposals for a
Lexicon element were considered, with one approach selected for close 
The language will be known at the W3C Pronunciation Lexicon Specification,
nicknamed PLS.

The VoiceXML subgroup met for two days to discuss architectural issues for a
proposed new VoiceXML specification.  The purpose of VoiceXML3 is to provide
powerful dialog capabilities that can be used to build advanced speech
applications, and to provide these capabilities in a form that can be easily
and cleanly integrated with other W3C markup languages. Discussion took 
around the architecture approach based on a layered architecture with
primitive, component and container layers. During our checkpoint review, it
was decided that that we would also also restart the VoiceXML change request
process and focus on two types of modifications: minor modifications to
VoiceXML functionality (e.g. enhancements to DTMF and audio playback) as 
as major functionality changes (e.g. a cleaner separation between
data/flow/dialog, and asynchonous external eventing). This work will 
in future teleconferences.

The call control subgroup reviewed the latest draft of CCXML, and 
several  change requests, worked toward preparing the CCXML document for
a last call working draft.

The VoiceXML 2.1, Semantic Interpretation, and Speech Synthesis did not 
during the F2F meetings:  Both the VoiceXML 2.1 and the Semantic 
subgroups are finishing revisions to their current drafts. The Speech 
subgroup continues to further define the Say-as element types.

Thanks to IBM for hosting the meetings.  The next Voice Browser Working
Group meeting will be held in Turin, Italy on December 6-7.

Jim Larson and Scott McGlashan
Co-chairs, W3C Voice Browser Working Group

Received on Sunday, 24 October 2004 04:49:08 UTC