FW: Query about draft Stochastic Language Models (N-Grams) Specification

Dear James Hammerton,

You are completely right. If you want to train a 
Language Model you need to take care of the start and
end of sentence symbols.

I'll check in the draft if this is covered somewhere,
otherwise something important is missing.

I would like to inform you that the current specification 
is still a Working Draft, so it has to be considered
a "work in progress", a contribution of the W3C voice
Browser to the community, but it is far from a W3C
Reccomendation. Unfortunately the Voice 
Browser is currently not working on this topic, because
it is a "low priority" activity and currently inactive.
See the Voice Browser page http://www.w3.org/Voice/
for further details on it.

Best regards,
Paolo Baggia, Loquendo.

> - ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 14:33:40 +0100
> From: James Hammerton <james.hammerton@gtnet.com>
> To: dsr@w3.org
> Subject: Query about draft Stochastic Language Models (N-Grams)
>     Specification
> Dave,
> I have a query about the draft Stochastic Language Models (N-Gram)
> Specification at http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/WD-ngram-spec-20010103/ of which
> you're listed as an author.
> When extracting N-Grams from a corpus of sentences to develop a language
> model, standard practice(*) is to add (N - 1) dummy symbols to the start of
> each sentence. For example, given the sentence "john loves mary", before
> extracting bi-grams you'd add a dummy symbol '<s>', e.g. "<s> john loves
> mary", thus the bi-grams extracted would be "<s> john", "john loves" and
> "loves mary".
> * E.g. Chapter 6 of "Speech and Language Processing", Jurafsky and Martin,
> Prentice-Hall, 2000, and Chapter 6 of "Foundations of Statistical Natural
> Language Processing", Manning and Schutze, MIT Press, 1999 suggest this.
> However, in the draft specification no mention is made of this. It provides
> an example of a corpus containing one sentence "A B A B C" with the
> corresponding N-Gram tree holding the following tri-grams (as well as the
> uni-gram "B" and bi-gram "B C"):
> "A B A",
> "B A B",
> "A B C"
> This seems wrong to me. Using the approach described in the above textbooks,
> I'd convert the sentence to "<s> <s> A B A B C" and extract the following
> N-grams:
> "<s> <s> A"
> "<s> A   B"
> "A   B   A"
> "B   A   B"
> "A   B   C"
> You can then correctly compute the probability of a sentence starting with
> A, or with A B. This information is lost in the tree as described in the
> draft specification. Using the uni-gram probability for "A" and the bi-gram
> probability for "A B" to get the ball rolling would be to use the wrong
> probabilities since those are probabilities for A or A B occurring anywhere
> in a sentence, not just at the start.
> Also explicitly including the N-Grams with a dummy token in the tree would
> involve specifying a symbol that does not and should not occur in the
> recognition result.
> How is a compliant speech recogniser/voice browser meant to deal with this
> issue when interpreting files written according to this specification?
> Regards,
> James

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