RE: Questions, comments on some CCXML operations

Much the same issue was brought up before some months ago, and the same reply was given.  What are the odds we'll get a real response?

 -----Original Message----- 
 From: on behalf of RJ Auburn 
 Sent: Mon 9/20/2004 7:12 AM 
 To: Werner Dittmann; 
 Subject: Re: Questions, comments on some CCXML operations


 Thanks for the comment on CCXML. The CCXML group will discuses these 
 comments in a upcoming meeting and see what we can do. 

 Thanks for the feedback, 


 On 09/17/2004 11:56, "Werner Dittmann" <> wrote: 

 > All, 
 > the asynchronous operations <createccxml>, <createcall>, 
 > <dialogprepare>, <dialogstart>, and <createconference> define an ECMA 
 > lefthand-side expression that will receive the respective id of the 
 > newly created object. The same id is returned in the associacted 
 > event, e.g. ccxml.created. What is the rational behind this? 
 > Because all actions are asynchronous it is not guaranteed that they 
 > will succeed and having an id before the operation was finished 
 > successfully, i.e. the opject really created, does not make sense. 
 > Providing the id only with an event that indicates a success makes it 
 > easier to implementent a CCXML interpeter because no "look-ahead" 
 > generation of ids is necessary. 
 > In addition, it is sometimes appropriate to defer the generation of an 
 > id until the object is really created and activated by the 
 > platform. This is the case at least for some call control protocols, 
 > e.g. SIP, ISUP, etc. where the connectionid identifies the created 
 > conection. 
 > Any thoughts? 
 > Regards, 
 > Werner 

 RJ Auburn 
 CTO, Voxeo Corporation 

Received on Monday, 20 September 2004 14:38:04 UTC