First source code version of CCXML4J


today I've checked in a initial version of the Java based CCXML
Interpreter CCXML4J. As already stated in previous mails this
interpreter uses patterns of the C++ based Oktopous CCXML

You can find the CCXML4J code at sourceforge with 
CCXML4J as project name.

Pls refer to the readme file to get some information about the
functions. The code also include some Junit tests with associated
ccxml script files to test some major functions such as fetch,
if-then-else, scripting, create ccxml etc.

All required jars are in the lib directory.

The code is not very well documented, i'm working on that topic

Comments and ideas are appreciated. The mailing list for the
project was just activated.


Received on Sunday, 19 September 2004 18:51:48 UTC