- From: Lutz Birkhahn <lbirkhahn@adomo.com>
- Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2003 14:21:52 -0800
- To: "Roopa Trivedi" <rotrived@cisco.com>, "'Tracy Boehrer'" <tboehrer@calltower.com>, <www-voice@w3.org>
I wrote: > I think voices in VXML are what fonts are in HTML (or TeX, or Post- > Script)... Maybe that's a good analogy when discussing this question. One more item: systems using fonts almost always also have a mapping mechanism, so that I can map the "Times" request to a similar font that is available on my system. See e.g. GhostScript's Fontmap, or dvips's psfonts.map. That way both system administrator / integrator and VXML author have ways to control the selection of fonts / voices. /lutz -- Lutz Birkhahn System Software Engineer Adomo Inc. -- 10001 N. De Anza Boulevard Suite 220 -- Cupertino, CA 95014
Received on Wednesday, 3 December 2003 17:38:18 UTC