- From: Royles, Chris <Chris.Royles@vicorp.com>
- Date: Sun, 26 Oct 2003 16:02:51 -0000
- To: 'Ildar Gabdulline' <ildar@realeastnetworks.com>
- Cc: "'www-voice@w3.org'" <www-voice@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <A10DE5600B42CB4EABF446C98C053B8E047B22@Bulldog.vicorp.co.uk>
Wow - that was a brave statement to make on the w3c forum. Other people, especially those more involved may have a different slant on this than I do. Also I am not clear about what 'information' you are after or why you wish to make this comparison. But from standing on the sidelines, I see them as follows... First, SALT and VxML cannot really be compared with each other on the same terms, they have different goals, although there are times when the technologies they use overlap. - VxML is a culmination of many different groups (Now the Voice Browser working group) bringing together different ideas to solve a problem, the VxML standard is currently being developed by the W3C. The problem they are trying to solve, is to simplify the differeing proprietary technologies used for building IVR services and callflows, this was a big problem in the industry about 5 years ago. It was difficult to port one voice IVR solution to a different platform. VxML is typically interacted with, by the user over a telephone, it runs on the server and is used by the engine as a script for how to handle the call. I use VxML daily to define services that execute within an IVR environment. The VxML browser built into the telephony application interprets the VxML and generates a resulting navigation through a service. The VxML is a small part of a much larger infrastructure supporting ASR, TTS and Call control facilities. The statement "Its major goal is to bring the advantages of web-based development and content delivery to interactive voice response applications" probably sums up the basics. http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/CR-voicexml20-20030220/ <http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/CR-voicexml20-20030220/> - SALT is a standard introduced by another group ( http://www.saltforum.org/default.asp#FounderComments <http://www.saltforum.org/default.asp#FounderComments> ) of reasearch and industry experts, it provides 'integration' with existing markup languages such as HTML to provide new 'voice enabled', multimodel interfaces. I consider SALT as trying to 'introduce a new technology', in the form of multimodal interaction. The SALT language is typically interpreted on the client. An example would be downloading HTML content to view on your hand-held device, the browser rendering the HTML can also interpret SALT tags, providing a voice interface to the dialogs and forms within the HTML content. This is a mulitmodal interface. I always consider SALT closer to SMIL than to VxML. I think the key statement is "The Speech Application Language Tags extend existing mark-up languages such as HTML, XHTML, and XML." http://www.saltforum.org/default.asp#About%20SALT <http://www.saltforum.org/default.asp#About%20SALT> There is certainly scope for having both standards, as they approach different problems from different directions. In some cases the two technologies can be complementary. Having a SALT enabled multimodal dialog with rich visual content pushed to enhanced clients, while still providing standard voice only IVR interfaces using VxML. Does anybody have any papers or reasearch that has studied this question? I always see scope for looking at the overlap between these two languages. It would be good to develop the definition of a dialog once, yet still be able to present that dialog as both VxML or SALT (or SMIL) based on the interpreter. regards, Chris Royles Vicorp Dr Christopher Royles Wexham Springs Senior Software Engineer Framewood Road +44 (0)1753 660 583 Wexham +44 (0)1753 660 501 SL3 6PJ chris.royles@vicorp.com Great Britain <http://www.vicorp.com> http://www.vicorp.com -----Original Message----- From: Ildar Gabdulline [mailto:ildar@realeastnetworks.com] Sent: 26 October 2003 15:21 To: www-voice@w3.org Subject: VoiceXML vs SALT Hi, I am relatively new to voice dialogs. Could you please describe me - what are the differences between VoiceXML and SALT ? As I understood for the moment both of them are used for the same purposes - programming of the dialogs. If this is correct then it seems that having two standard families is redundant. Please clarify the situation, if it is possible. Thanks, Ildar
Received on Sunday, 26 October 2003 11:04:26 UTC