FW: SSML prosody question

-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Rusnak [mailto:christopher.rusnak@oracle.com]
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 12:00 PM
To: Daniel Burnett
Subject: Re: SSML prosody question

Actually, got a quick response this time.  Thanks.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Daniel  <mailto:burnett@nuance.com> Burnett 
To: Christopher Rusnak <mailto:christopher.rusnak@oracle.com>  
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 11:56 AM
Subject: RE: SSML prosody question

Dear Chris,
Sorry about that.  Somone will reply to your email this week.
-- Dan Burnett
SSML subgroup Chair

-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Rusnak [mailto:christopher.rusnak@oracle.com]
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 10:19 AM
To: www-voice@w3c.org
Subject: Fw: SSML prosody question

I posted this a few weeks back and received no response.  Can someone please take some time to answer my questions.  Thank you.
Chris Rusnak
Oracle Corporation
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Christopher Rusnak <mailto:christopher.rusnak@oracle.com>  
To: www-voice@w3.org 
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 5:30 PM
Subject: SSML prosody question

I have a few questions regarding the prosody element in the SSML version 1.0 specification.

1.	The pitch attribute seems to imply the intonation or inflection of a given phrase.  Is this correct?  If so, how does it handle intonation over a long phrase?  Is the pitch handled constant for the whole phrase or does it vary within? 

2.	It seems that the pitch contour is used to control varying the pitch within a given phrase.  Is this correct? 

3.	What exactly is the range attribute for?  The specification gives very little information about this attribute. 

4.	I would like to use the prosody element to denote simple linguistic inflections (intonations).  Is this possible with the defined attributes?  If so, can you provide an example of the parameters.

Thank you for your time.
Chris Rusnak
Oracle Corporation

Received on Monday, 15 September 2003 15:03:36 UTC