Comments on VoiceXML 2.0 Implementation Report version Apr 7, 2003


Following are more comments on the VoiceXML 2.0 Implementation Report
version Apr 7, 2003, following those that I have sent in

I hope this can help,



1- AssertId 1144: should be marked manual since test says "Note this test is
manual, ensure it does not fail, and that there
    is a disconnect, not an exit (e.g., to the main menu)."

2- AssertId 529/134/135/137/526: Specified remote document such as  does not pass schema
validation:Parsing error on line: 3 column: 19 with message
[cvc-minLength-valid: Value '' with length = '0' is not facet-valid with
respect to minLength '1'.]

Catch with empty event is rejected by VXML schema (EventName datatype is
NMTOKEN which eventually resolves to "Nmtoken    ::=    (NameChar)+ ")

3- AssertId 501: 501.ircgi is malformed: it should read   <next
dest="../501-fail.vxml" sleep="30"/> instead of   <next
test="../501-fail.vxml" sleep="30"/>

4- AssertId 404: This assertion states that "Scopes are not cleared when
they become inaccessible. Instead, the old scope object is left to exist (or
to be garbage collected) and a new one is created and linked into the scope
hierarchy. References to previously-existing scope objects will continue to
access the old scope objects."

I don't find anything requesting this behavior in the corresponding VXML
specification section 5.1.2, can you please point me to the corresponding
section of the specifications?

5- AssertId 1067/1068/1075/1076: makes use of <object name="o" expr="1234"
cond="false" classid="object:get_date"> which availability is platform
dependent. Therefore these test should either be marked as optional or
requiring manual execution and tuning.

6- AssertId 316: the test is also invalid because there is no form-level
grammar corresponding to the initial element. This results into an
error.semantic event to be thrown when executing the initial element.

7- AssertId 525: Could not this test be automated by using the <conf:speech
value="alpha"/> instead of Say New York and <conf:noinput/> instead of "Say

8- AssertId 216: The specs section "2.2.4 ENUMERATE" state that "If it is
used with no content, a default template that lists all the choices is used,
determined by the interpreter context." Therefore, it is not requested to
"lists all the choices, following the order in which they appear in the
menu." as specified by this assertion.

Guillaume Berche
Eloquant, ZA Le malvaisin
38240 Le Versoud, France

Received on Monday, 25 August 2003 12:52:45 UTC