Tags in XML grammars

I have the impression that semantic interpretations in VXML grammars are
still in flux, waiting for more input from SRGS, SISR/NLSML, etc.
Nonetheless, I'd like to know what the current state-of-the-art is regarding
grammar tags.

Given this VXML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<vxml version="2.0">
    <field name="b">
      <grammar type="application/grammar+xml" xml:lang="en-US"
       version="1.0" root="rootRule">
        <rule id="rootRule" scope="public">
            <item> first  <tag>choice='f'</tag></item>
            <item> second <tag>choice='s'</tag></item>
        <prompt>one: choice is <value expr="b.choice"/></prompt>
        <prompt>two: It could also be <value expr="b"/></prompt>

which prompt is allowed, "one" or "two" or both? And what is the result of
the <value> elements if you say "first": "f" or "first" or "{choice:f}"
or something else?



Lutz Birkhahn                                       System Software Engineer
Adomo Inc. --  10001 N. De Anza Boulevard Suite 220  --  Cupertino, CA 95014

Received on Tuesday, 23 July 2002 23:53:26 UTC