how to call an existing VXML file from another VXML file which is generated by servlet

      Hi everyone,

      Thank you in advance if you offer me any idea about my question. I have tried to sort this problem for a 3 days but still :(( emergency!!!

      question:How to call an existed vxml file from another VXML which is generted dynamiclly by my servlet,I try to use some element such as

      out.println("<goto next=\"mainmenu.vxml\"/>"); or

      out.println("<link next=\"D:\\Program Files\\VoiceServerSDK\\samples\\en_GB\\banking\\mainmenu.vxml\">"); but the VXML browser alway says " file not found" or unknow protocol.

      there three files are involved: testmainvxml.vxml calls, and then I try to let serlvet to call mainmenu.vxml which is stored in the some place with testmain.vxml

      <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <vxml version="1.0">

      <field name="membershipnumber" type="digits">
      Welcom to Big Bird Bank. please key in or say your 6 digits membership number</prompt>
      <submit next="http://localhost:8080/servlet/bankservlet.validtion"/>


      part of code of servlet
      out.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>");
      out.println("<vxml version=\"1.0\">");
      out.println("you are right customer");
      out.println("<goto next=\"mainmenu.vxml\"/>")

      File: mainmenu.vxml
      <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <vxml version="1.0">

      Welcom to Big Bird Bank. For account balance, press or say <break size="small"/>1, account balance or <break size="small"/>inquiry:</prompt>

      <choice next="inquiry.vxml">
      1 | inquiry


      what can I do for this?

      Thanks a lot



Received on Monday, 22 April 2002 05:20:07 UTC