RE: How to store recorded messages in an audio file?

If you are using Nuance then your recorded message will be with one of the
voyager folders. You can use ASP to store vai either by FTP or HTTP ( HTTP
will not be a good idea if you are recording huge files). 

Check out  for VXML reference (let me know if u know any other

Chandrasekar R.
Manager- AudioFreeze
Amoeba Telecom
Tel: +91 (422) 311645/46/47 <> 
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>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Eric Yang [] 
>>>Sent: Monday, July 30, 2001 7:12 PM
>>>Subject: re: How to store recorded messages in an audio file?
>>>The way we do it is:
>>>When recorded, it is a file on our NetVoice Voice
>>>Server (VXML platform), and you can post the audio
>>>data via HTTP.
>>>-- Eric --
>>>----- Original Message ----- 
>>>From: Nandhitha J. Jagajeevan 
>>>Sent: Monday, July 30, 2001 2:08 AM
>>>Subject: How to store recorded messages in an audio
>>> Can anyone help me how to store recorded messages,
>>>obtained from the user as an audio file? 
>>> I would be happy if anyone suggests some good VXML
>>>Reference site too. 
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Received on Tuesday, 31 July 2001 00:42:50 UTC