RE: voicexml outbound calls


I would like to know if There is any tool  provoded by Microsoft for
developing applications with VXML.Could you provide me with other good
websites having good material about developing applications related to voice
(text to speech and  speech to text)

Thanks and Regards.
Nitin Khungar

-----Original Message-----
From: Bryan []
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 8:37 AM
To: Madhavan Padmanabhan;
Subject: Re: voicexml outbound calls

Is there any voice interpreter/browser open source for studying?
Thanks again

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Madhavan Padmanabhan" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: voicexml outbound calls

> Hi people,
> Does anyone know of an existing JSGF grammar
> interpreter that I can use?? It should be able to
> parse the JSGF file and ratify the input against the
> grammar. I would really appreciate it if you could
> help.
> regards,
> Madhavan
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