Comments for Last Call Working Drafts

Just a few comments about the speech grammar and synthesis Last Call
Working Drafts [1,2].

The markup, embedded CSS, and overall presentation is well done and
easy to follow. One suggestion is to mark up elements and attributes
as XHTML code, for example, <code>item</code>, rather than quote them
as "item". No added color would be necessary.

Regarding the embedded style, I have been told that hex values are
better supported in old browsers than RGB. In Netscape 4.x Mac,
"list-style: none;" renders as a question mark for each bullet and
should be omitted. In IE 3.x Mac, "background" color is supported;
("background-color" is not). Also, when declaring a background color, a
text color is needed; #000 would be fine.

Finally, both Working Drafts have extensive "future study" sections.
When and if the drafts move to higher maturity levels, I think these
sections should be cut and moved to another location, possibly linked
from the Voice Browser Activity home page. Somehow speculating would
seem out of place in a Recommendation. What do you think?


Susan Lesch -  tel:+1.858.483.4819
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) -

Received on Tuesday, 16 January 2001 02:49:50 UTC