- From: Peter Leftwich <Pete@Leftwich.Com>
- Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2000 11:54:09 -0700
- To: "Philip Ramsey" <jamaican@colis.com>
- Cc: <www-voice@w3.org>
I was under the assumption that since technologies *already* exist to help the visually-impaired enjoy the web, that the voice browser is geared toward standards-based hands-free navigation, either sitting back in your easy-chair at home or over an HPC or PCS cell phone while driving your car. -Pete P.S. If I ever decide to, how may I remove myself from the www-voice mailing list? Thank you. ----- Original Message ----- Return-Path: <www-voice-request@w3.org> Received: from www19.w3.org (www19.w3.org []) by russian-caravan.cloud9.net (Postfix) with ESMTP id 4861C76393 for <Pete@Leftwich.Com>; Fri, 2 Jun 2000 12:25:39 -0400 (EDT) Received: (from daemon@localhost) by www19.w3.org (8.9.0/8.9.0) id MAA28986; Fri, 2 Jun 2000 12:12:37 -0400 (EDT) Resent-Message-Id: <200006021612.MAA28986@www19.w3.org> X-Received: from www19.w3.org (www19.w3.org []) by tux.w3.org (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id UAA17583 for <dsr@w3.org>; Sun, 7 May 2000 20:07:31 -0400 X-Received: by www19.w3.org (8.9.0/8.9.0) id UAA00960 for dsr@w3.org; Sun, 7 May 2000 20:07:32 -0400 (EDT) Date: Sun, 7 May 2000 20:07:32 -0400 (EDT) Old-X-Envelope-From: www-voice-request@tux.w3.org Sun May 7 20:07:30 2000 X-Received: from tux.w3.org (tux.w3.org []) by www19.w3.org (8.9.0/8.9.0) with ESMTP id UAA00940 for <www-voice@www19.w3.org>; Sun, 7 May 2000 20:07:29 -0400 (EDT) X-Received: from bbs2.colis.com (www.colis.com [] (may be forged)) by tux.w3.org (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id UAA17580 for <www-voice@w3.org>; Sun, 7 May 2000 20:07:25 -0400 X-Received: from colis.com (unverified []) by bbs2.colis.com (Vircom SMTPRS 4.2.181) with ESMTP id <B0000277225@bbs2.colis.com> for <www-voice@w3.org>; Sun, 7 May 2000 19:12:31 -0400 Message-ID: <3915F265.4BE8A4EB@colis.com> Old-Date: Sun, 07 May 2000 18:47:02 -0400 From: Philip Ramsey <jamaican@colis.com> Organization: Jamaica National Children's Home (http://www.jnch.org.jm) X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.72 [en] (Win95; U) X-Accept-Language: en To: www-voice@w3.org Old-X-Envelope-To: www-voice ReSent-Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2000 17:12:16 +0100 (GMT Daylight Time) Resent-From: Dave Raggett <dsr@w3.org> Resent-To: www-voice@w3.org ReSent-Subject: [Moderator Action] Would like information about voice enabled web sites ReSent-X-X-Sender: dsr@hazel.hpl.hp.com Subject: Would like information about voice enabled web sites X-Mailing-List: <www-voice@w3.org> archive/latest/22 X-Loop: www-voice@w3.org Sender: www-voice-request@w3.org Resent-Sender: www-voice-request@w3.org Precedence: list Dear Sirs/Madames, I discovered today on W3C.com site that there is a proposed definition for voice enabled web sites. I see this as a major advancement in web design for the visually impaired. I am currently doing volunteer work for a number of charitable organizations in Jamaica, one of which is affiliated with the Jamaica Society for the Blind. It is my aim to put the Jamaica Society for the Blind on the www with their own domain name and voice enabled site. Am I misunderstanding the purpose of the voice browser? Will it facilitate the visually impaired in experiencing the web? Are there any beta browser software available for testing? Philip Ramsey -- Philip Ramsey Web page: http://members.colis.com/~jamaican Come join the Jamaica Round Table. It's located @ http://forums.delphi.com/m/main.asp?sigdir=4Jamaica&isp=if&pic=in-IAN8766634
Received on Friday, 2 June 2000 14:54:46 UTC