Re: Usage Stats

Use statistics

I'm unable to get full official stats at the moment, but I keep a list of 
the number of people using the search mechanism in the Complete Home Page 
Directory as this is easy for me to do via a perl script.

  Currently, over 1000 people perform searches on the Complete Home Page 
Directory during any 24 hour period, and this figure is growing all the 
time. I suspect that perhaps double this figure is the total amount of 
people accessing this page each day!

 __  __             __     Kirk Bowe: 2nd Year BSc Comp. Sci (Course rep.)
/\ \/\ \  __       /\ \     City University, London, England
\ \ \/'/'/\_\  _ __\ \ \/'\  Email:
 \ \ , < \/\ \/\`'__\ \ , <   Web:
  \ \ \\`\\ \ \ \ \/ \ \ \\`\  CityLive! Magazine: coordinator & editor
   \ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\  \ \_\ \_\"You always will remain my stardust melody,
    \/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/   \/_/\/_/  the memory of love's refrain."

Received on Wednesday, 7 December 1994 13:07:26 UTC