A summary of the top page ?

Dear maintainers,

I think it is time to slightly reorganize the WWW VL top pages,
as some people complained about the numerous "Separate list"
texts, saying it lenghten the document, while other requested
a document that allows access to all parts of the WWW VL at once
(including sub-fields). Some other were really happy about the WWW VL
style, that often includes small descriptions of the referenced documents,
and isn't just an automatic list of supposedly related references,
where you have to go through all the references one by one to find out
that what you're looking for is not dealt with!

Therefore, I guess we should have at least two top documents: a user-friendly 
list with small descriptions of what each field is about or what information
it provides, and an effective list simply listing all 
fields AND sub-fields of the WWW VL.
I've written the short list (without sub-fields for now) at

*** The following is specially aimed at maintainers of large fields,
that already have sub-fields maintained by other maintainers
(eg Computing, Engineering...) ***

As you are in a much better position than me to describe the documents
you take care of, and to give the list of sub-fields of your document 
and their maintainers, I would propose that you write an html document
that would look like this:

<!-- begin description -->
Here you put the description about your document that should appear
on the "long" list
<!-- begin sub-fields -->
Here you would give the list of WWW VL sub-fields of the field you
<!-- begin maintainers -->
Here you would give the list of emails of the maintainers
of the sub-fields 
<!-- end -->

I can easily adapt the script I wrote for the list of WWW servers world-wide
to generate each morning or each week the three documents according
to your data. Then we would have constantly up-to-date WWW VL
home documents.

What do you think about all this ?


       Arthur Secret,       phone:(41-22) 767-37-55     
Technical Student at CERN,   e-mail: secret@dxcern.cern.ch

Received on Thursday, 18 August 1994 11:03:45 UTC