Re: Virtual Library: museums and funding

I too would like to see some funding to support our efforts in providing these
global resources. I had been thinking small--in terms of seeking funding from
literacy-promoting institutions for my WWW VL Literature--but I think Jonathan
is correct, we should be thinking big and look for a large grant that we can
distribute across the entire WWW VL (perhaps with some sort of matching fund
arrangement?)    Even a few $K/year to pay for a few hours/week of my time would
be a great help.

Does anyone on the list have any suggestions for suitable major donors we might
approach?  NSF?  the European Union?  the W3 Consortium? Anyone knowledgeable,
please speak up!

I'd be willing to coordinate some of the effort in putting together a proposal.


Fred Zimmerman

>   I am seeking funding for this set of pages, since I
>   currently maintain them on a voluntary basis. Is any
>   central WWW Virtual Library funding planned? I think it
>   would be worth trying to obtain US / EU / other
>   international funding for the Virtual Library and
>   distributing this to WWW VL sites in some way.  Would
>   this be possible? Comments and discussion welcome!

Received on Friday, 10 March 1995 04:35:21 UTC