Re: News... - Forms

> 3/ The Form
> I've written a sample form at
> Once we all agree on the form, I would like this form to become the preferred
> way of adding new entries, because it collects keywords given by the authors
> that will allow us to build an efficient index. 
> Any comment appreciated, either on this list or directly to me

Hello Arthur,
I think you could have a look at the BIN21 biodiversity network and
its planned virtual library. David Green has been creating 
submission forms and quality control. More information is
available at:

<a hREF=>announcement</a>


< hREF=>VL proposal</A>

You wold get some ideas from there.

I'm glad you've been in touch with the librarians. I'm fighting
with the same problems when trying to organize the information
(original files) of my own organization. I would be extremely
happy if you would report about your findings. If I recall
correctly the WWW-conference had a BOF group discussing these
problems, but I have no idea how to take part in the developments
or follow discussions.

Best regards
Jarmo Saarikko
Finnish Forest Research Institute METLA, EMIT-Laboratory
Unioninkatu 40 A, FIN-00170 HELSINKI, Finland
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Received on Friday, 30 September 1994 09:26:37 UTC