WWW VL Biosciences Changes

Several new branches of the WWW VL Biosciences have opened, and one
other has changed curatorship.

First, a "Model Organisms" subheading has been created, although it has
no page of its own.  In biospeak, a model organism is an intensively
studied organism which is used as a general model for a much larger
field of biology.  For example, most people would be familiar with the
fruit fly being a model system, as it is one of the standard organisms
on which genetics is performed.
Two entries under "Model Organisms"
	<a href="http://eatworms.swmed.edu/VLhome.html">
		Caenorhabditis elegans	</a>, a soil nematode (worm); 
	branch maintained by Dr. Leon Avery (leon@eatworms.swmed.edu)
	<a href="http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~ger/drosophila.html">
		Drosophila	</a>, the fruit fly; 
	branch maintained by Gerard Manning (ger@leland.stanford.edu)

Second, the Evolution branch is now being curated by Adam Fagen (afagen@golgi.harvard.edu).  There is no change in URL.  This was previously an extract of the comprehensive biosciences list.

Third, a new extract for Developmental Biology is now being generated
<a href="http://golgi.harvard.edu/develop.html">Developmental Biology</a>

Keith Robison
Harvard University
>From secret@www5.cern.ch  Tue Dec  6 13:11:02 1994
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To: waterbug@epims1.gsfc.nasa.gov
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Subject: Re: WWW Virtual Library for Power Engineering
In-Reply-To: Message <9411301505.AA16242@epims1.gsfc.nasa.gov>, from Steve Waterbury: Re: WWW Virtual Library for Power Engineering
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On November 30, you (Steve Waterbury) wrote
:>You should also subscribe to the "www-vlib" list, which is 
:>for all WWWVL administrators.  Do this by sending a message 
:>to listproc@info.cern.ch with the message 
:>subscribe www-vlib <your name>
:>(... be sure not to send the message to the list, of course!).  
:>For instructions on other list-administrative operations, 
:>send a message with the body "help" to listproc@info.cern.ch.  

www-vlib@info.cern.ch is not a public mailing-list. So unfortunately, it is
not possible to subscribe to it using the listprocessor. I will
add and modify any entry by hand. Though the help file is useful,
because there are several options you may want to set (digest...).

However, it is very easy to make it public. Should we ?


PS: Steve, would you mind sending me the email of Ramesh ?
ListProcessor is modifying the headers, so I couldn't get Ramesh's email
from your message.

Received on Wednesday, 30 November 1994 19:25:11 UTC