- From: <Jonathan.Bowen@comlab.oxford.ac.uk>
- Date: Wed, 7 Dec 94 13:19:57 GMT
- To: www-vlib@www0.cern.ch
>what trends have you all noticed? Museums: 500-700 per day. Was 300 per day two months ago. The page is mentioned in the Museums Journal under "Documentation news", December 1994, p 38. This is consistently the most popular page at our site. Publishers: 300-400 per day. Most popular computing sub topics: Formal methods: 150 per day. The page was recommended for further reading in: W.W. Gibbs, Software's Chronic Crisis. Scientific American, 271(3):86-95, September 1994. Audio / AI: 100 per day. Logic programming: 60-80 per day. Sport subtopic: Rowing - 80-100 per day. Most pages get less usage at weekends (around half the normal level typically). I would be interested in other published references to pages in the WWW Virtual Library. Should we collect these? -- Jonathan Bowen ____________________________________________________________________ Oxford University Computing Laboratory, Programming Research Group Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QD, England. Email: Jonathan.Bowen@comlab.ox.ac.uk URL: http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/people/jonathan.bowen.html
Received on Wednesday, 7 December 1994 13:27:34 UTC