Re: Usage Stats

>what trends have you all noticed?

Museums: 500-700 per day. Was 300 per day two months ago.  The page is
mentioned in the Museums Journal under "Documentation news", December
1994, p 38. This is consistently the most popular page at our site.

Publishers: 300-400 per day.

Most popular computing sub topics:

Formal methods: 150 per day. The page was recommended for further
reading in: W.W. Gibbs, Software's Chronic Crisis.  Scientific
American, 271(3):86-95, September 1994.

Audio / AI: 100 per day.

Logic programming: 60-80 per day.

Sport subtopic: Rowing - 80-100 per day.

Most pages get less usage at weekends (around half the normal level

I would be interested in other published references to pages in the WWW
Virtual Library. Should we collect these?

Jonathan Bowen
Oxford University Computing Laboratory, Programming Research Group
Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QD, England.

Received on Wednesday, 7 December 1994 13:27:34 UTC