Re: question about summary

Andreas Prilop 🇮🇱 ( wrote:

> HTML is subject to change without notice.

And so is the validator. A change in HTML is not necessarily reflected
immediately in the validator.

This does not answer the question, though. I’m afraid the answer is
not easy to find.
I found that there is a list of “commit snapshots”, but I cannot find
any search function there,
and reading the snapshots in sequence would be rather tedious.

For the validator, there is a change log of a kind:
but even in the more detailed information linked there,
does not seem to provide any information on the summary attribute.

So unless you have an important practical reason to find such information,
I suggest you give up.

I cannot imagine why summary attributes could cause any harm, and you
can silence
error messages about them in the validator’s user interface.

Jukka K. Korpela

Received on Monday, 22 January 2024 20:42:21 UTC