Re: Consulta

 Francisco Sánchez ( wrote:

> Estimados señores: no se si podrían ayudarme a solucionar el error en la
> validación HTML, en mi página:
>    1. *Error**: Element *script* must not have attribute *defer* unless
>    attribute *src* is also specified.*
> From line 12, column 377; to line 12, column 411
> endif]--> <script data-no-optimize="1" defer>!funct
> The validator simply describes a restriction imposed by HTML

Consider putting the script code into a separate file and using <script
src=...>. Alternatively, put the <script> element at the end of the HTML
document. (The effect is not exactly the same as using defer, but probably
sufficiently similar.)


Received on Wednesday, 16 March 2022 09:11:53 UTC