Re: error on construct <p><pre id="da-json"></pre></p>

ottahe ( wrote:

> I have such a construct in a html page, the result is shown as expected.
> The validator says:
>      Error: No p element in scope but a p end tag seen.
>      From line 256, column 34; to line 256, column 37
>      on"></pre></p>↩
> Do I need to change my code?

Yes, you need to remove the nesting of a <pre> element inside a <p>
element, in
 <p><pre id="da-json"></pre></p>

The <pre> element is a block element and not allowed inside a <p> element,
which may contain text and text-level markup only.

The simplest fix is to remove the tags <p> and </p>. This may affect the
rendering, since now there is an empty <p> element (implicitly closed by
the <pre> tag) before the <pre> element, and this may cause some vertical
spacing in some browsers. Use CSS margin properties to set the desired



Received on Tuesday, 18 January 2022 10:45:57 UTC