Validator errors

I've been really struggling to understand what's going on with the 
validator when I tried using it for the last couple of days, though the 
problems may have existed before then...

I have an embedded and displayed "W3C XHTML 1.0" badge on every page on 
my website ( Whatever page I have loaded in my 
browser from that website, when I click the badge - which should run the 
validator on that page - the checker always checks the webroot file - 
index.htm. The html code behind the "badge" is:

<a href="">
<img src="" alt="Valid XHTML 1.0!" 
width="88" height="31" border="0" />

E.g. I run the validity checker on the page: 
by clicking on the badge at the bottom of the page. The checker checks 
the page (which is a 
redirector page to index.php and is full of old, obsolete stuff).

Ok, so I can paste the actual url of the page I want to test into the Nu 
HTML checker, but that makes having the badge on the web page useless 
and confusing.

Also, the Nu HTML checker doesn't seem to understand XHTML 1.0 document 

The validator at does still work ok, but again, I can 
only use it by pasting the url to be validated into the validator.

Is this going to be fixed so that the "badges" will direct to a working, 
relevant validator in the future?

Many thanks,
Martin Farrimond

Received on Friday, 3 September 2021 08:24:42 UTC