Re: 4 Errors but syntax is correct

 Dandy Rose ( wrote:

> in my example are 4 errors that elements are not opened or closed
> correctly, but the syntax is perfectly ok.
> This only happens if the headline is inserted inside the anchor. But this
> should be allowed in HTML5

HTML5 allows heading elements like <h5> within an <a> element, but only
when the parent element allows it. The content model of <a> is

>         <p><a href="#" target="_blank"><h5>TEST</h5></a><p>
> Without <p> markup (which is rather pointless here), this would be valid,
since then the parent of <a> would be <body>, which allows <h5>. But here
the parent is <p>, which allows only “flow content”, which is more or less
what used to be called “text-level markup”.

So the simplest solution it to remove the first <p> tag. If you need a
container for the <a> element, use e.g. <div>.

Note that you could also next <a> and <h5> the other way around:
<h5><a href="#" target="_blank">>TEST</a></h5>
Such nesting has been valid in all versions of HTML. The practical
difference between this and your nesting is that this makes only the
heading text, “TEST”, clickable, whereas your nesting makes the entire
heading block (which by default occupies the available width, including any
empty space to the right of the heading text.


Received on Tuesday, 4 August 2020 12:34:31 UTC