Re: HTML-Validator: x-autocompletetype

> This is my Error: attribute x-autocompletetype not allowed on element input at this point.
> x-autocompletetype is a Google-Chrome feature since a few years and maybe this should be a warning and not an error, because you could use this to support the attribute "autocomplete".

Standardization is sometimes influenced by what a single vendor
implemented proactively, but usually the process works
differently—note, for example, the W3C standardization process: I have no recent
information on `x-autocompletetype` and any standardization efforts
around it, however you get this validator message because it’s not yet
part of the HTML standard, and as it has not been done in a way that
would be otherwise compliant. The validator seems to respond

Jens Oliver Meiert

Received on Thursday, 9 April 2020 13:40:40 UTC