validating XHTML RDFa 1.1


I'm trying to validate XHTML+RDFa 1.1, but there seems to be some problems. For example does not validate Example 1 at and does not either validates nor my VERY little because it says I should not use the @version attribute, despite of the fact that Example 1 uses this attribute.

Then, I tried to download all xsd files to try to validate locally, but it did not work either. One possible error may be that xhtml-rdfa-modules-2.xsd contains:

xs:include schemaLocation="xhtml-metaAttributes-1.xsd"

which maybe should be rewritten as

xs:include schemaLocation="xhtml-metaAttributes-2.xsd"

or skipped altogether because xhtml-metaAttributes-2.xsd is already included by xhtml-rdfa-model-2.xsd which creates a name collision with the xhtml-metaAttributes-1.xsd declaration. For example, the xmllint validator says:

xhtml-metaAttributes-1.xsd:24: element attribute: Schemas parser error : Element '{}attribute': A global attribute declaration '{}about' does already exist.

xhtml-metaAttributes-1.xsd:25: element attribute: Schemas parser error : Element '{}attribute': A global attribute declaration '{}content' does already exist.

xhtml-metaAttributes-1.xsd:26: element attribute: Schemas parser error : Element '{}attribute': A global attribute declaration '{}datatype' does already exist.

xhtml-metaAttributes-1.xsd:27: element attribute: Schemas parser error : Element '{}attribute': A global attribute declaration '{}typeof' does already exist.

xhtml-metaAttributes-1.xsd:28: element attribute: Schemas parser error : Element '{}attribute': A global attribute declaration '{}property' does already exist.

xhtml-metaAttributes-1.xsd:29: element attribute: Schemas parser error : Element '{}attribute': A global attribute declaration '{}rel' does already exist.

xhtml-metaAttributes-1.xsd:30: element attribute: Schemas parser error : Element '{}attribute': A global attribute declaration '{}resource' does already exist.

xhtml-metaAttributes-1.xsd:31: element attribute: Schemas parser error : Element '{}attribute': A global attribute declaration '{}rev' does already exist.

xhtml-metaAttributes-1.xsd:33: element attributeGroup: Schemas parser error : Element '{}attributeGroup': A global attribute group definition '{}xhtml.metaAttributes.attrib' does already exist.

Thanks a lot for clarifications or bug fix!



Received on Wednesday, 31 July 2019 04:37:05 UTC