The grammar is bad on the title=""

I looked at the source code of the website via the Developer Tools in Firefox, version 57.0.4 (64-bit) and when your mouse hovers on the checkbox next to <input id="direct-No200" name="No200" value="1" type="checkbox"> the grammar is confusing, I’m sure it’s supposed to say “Validate pages for which the HTTP status code indicates an error”, right? (without the word “also”)

<label title="Validate also pages for which the HTTP status code indicates an error" for="direct-No200">Validate error pages</label>

Maybe it could say “Also validate pages for which the HTTP status code indicates an error” or would including the word “also” be useless?

For more reference, that’s what’s shown at when your mouse is over the checkbox to “Validate error pages.”

NOTE: Whenever possible, give the address of the document you were checking..
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Received on Monday, 15 January 2018 10:26:14 UTC