Re: Suspected scam

> I know this is not a subject you usually cover but I encountered someone I
> suspect is using your software for a tech support scam and I’m trying to
> find out if I’m right.  A person who identified himself as an Avast tech
> support claimed that by running your software on my gmail account he could
> see that my account was hacked. To your knowledge is this possible?

No, neither can one hack an account through the W3C validators nor can
one prove that an account was hacked. (Simplified answer.
Theoretically both scenarios are possible but that would be rather
extraordinary. Others here are better suited to explain.)

I’m not overly familiar with the particular scam but it seems
technically inexperienced people are simply overwhelmed with technical
information that, for their purposes, is actually meaningless.

Jens Oliver Meiert

Received on Thursday, 7 September 2017 12:40:18 UTC