Invalid colspan issue

The following does not validate.

                 <td colspan="6">1</td>
                 <td colspan="3">2</td>
                 <td colspan="3">3</td>
                 <td colspan="2">4</td>
                 <td colspan="2">5</td>
                 <td colspan="2">6</td>

I am trying to create a table like this.

I am getting the following message on the colspan="6" line.

/*Table column 2 established by element *//*|td|*//*has no cells 
beginning in it*/

I am assuming it is saying that there are no tds beginning on column 2, 
and there aren't, but this still should validate in my opinion.

It used to validate under XHTML.

Received on Tuesday, 28 February 2017 22:25:06 UTC