Re: New message-filtering options for the HTML checker

Hi Fuqiao,

Fuqiao Xue <>, 2017-04-17 20:01 +0800:

> I have a question about the command-line options. Why do both
> `--filterfile` (for vnu.jar) and `--filter-file` (for build.{py,sh})
> exist? Is it intentional?

Yeah, intentional. They are for completely different contexts—the `--filterfile`
option is for the command-line checker, people who are batch-checking files
locally from the command line, and the `--filter-file` option is for people who
want to run their own instance of the Web-based checker, potentially for other
people to use.

So it’s not important for the option names to have identical syntax. In fact,
the main reason `--filter-file` has an internal dash is just for consistency
with the syntax of the other existing options for the build script,


Michael[tm] Smith

Received on Monday, 17 April 2017 12:16:26 UTC