
Validator gives a warning, suggests /Consider adding |lang="en"| (or 
variant) to the |html| element start tag.
/I add it [ <!DOCTYPE html lang="en"> ], the validator fails to validate 
with the following errors (copied directly from the validator).

I find it amusing that after it gives the errors, it suggests doing what 
it just flunked.
It alternately flips to html 4.01 Transitional and yields the second set 
of errors.

This just started overnight a day or two ago - I validate all html pages 
at Scenic Color Country.
Dave McKelleb


    *Error*: Bogus doctype.

    At line 1, column 16

    |<!DOCTYPE html *l*ang="en">↩<hea|


    *Error*: Quirky doctype. Expected e.g. |<!DOCTYPE html>|.

     From line 1, column 1; to line 1, column 25

    |*<!DOCTYPE html lang="en">*↩<head|


    *Warning*: This document appears to be written in English. Consider
    adding |lang="en"| (or variant) to the |html| element start tag.

 1. Error /Line 1, Column 15/: character "=" invalid: only delimiter
    ">", delimiter "[", "PUBLIC", "SYSTEM" and parameter separators allowed

    |<!DOCTYPE lang*=*"en" html>|


 2. Error /Line 1, Column 15/: cannot continue because of previous errors

    |<!DOCTYPE lang*=*"en" html>|

Received on Monday, 4 July 2016 07:52:54 UTC