Re: HTML5 Conformance Checker: Warning on element <menu>

2014-10-30 2:53, Steve Faulkner wrote:

> Hi Narve,
>  >The menu element is now supported by all major browsers
> only current implementation is in Firefox

The <menu> element has always been supported by all browsers.

The issue is whether browsers implement it in the way described in HTML5 
drafts / WHATWG documents, completely differently from its legacy 
meaning and implementation.

The original definition, still in force in approved HTML specifications, 
is that <menu> is a variant of <ul>, expected to be rendered as a 
compact single-column list. However, browsers have actually implemented 
<menu> as a synonym for <ul>.

It is thus incorrect and misleading to say, as the current warning 
message says, that “The menu element is not supported by browsers yet.”

It could be changed to say “The menu element is not yet implemented the 
way defined in HTML5”.

It would be better to remove the warning, since the implementation 
status has nothing to do with document conformance.

Besides, warning that some features used in a document have not been 
implemented in major browsers implicitly conveys the wrong idea that 
other features are. If warnings of this kind are issued, they should be 
issued consistently about all features that lack support in some major 


Received on Thursday, 30 October 2014 04:38:52 UTC