Re: HTML 5 conformance: table border obsolete?

Michael[tm] Smith, Thu, 6 Feb 2014 19:09:37 +0900:

>> The answer is that @border is conforming in HTML5 and that the validator
>> has a bug if it does not allow it. There was a change proposal process to
>> have @border added back into the spec, and the CP prevailed.
> OK, understood. As far as that goes, could you please take a minute to file
> a bug report?
> And it would be nice if that bug report also included rationale that helped
> answer some of the questions I asked above (say, just copy/pasted in from
> your response to this message).

Hope this was OK:

Leif Halvard Silli

Received on Thursday, 6 February 2014 10:31:03 UTC