Search engines need new <meta> keywords

I hope this the correct group to make this proposal. My apologies if
there is a error, but I hope it will be noticed and others will see
the merit and so improvements can be made with this suggestion so we
can have a better system.

I am sure you have noticed sometimes it is hard to search for
something on internet.

The suggestion is so webmasters can divide there web pages into groups
that could be used as “keywords” in the <meta> section of the web page

Such keywords might be “sales-goods”, “sales-services”, “forum”,
“tutorial”. “news”,   “organisations”,    “information”
Maybe you can think of more.

So when you go to a web search engine you tick the appropriate button
or use the keywords in the entry box.

If you want to join a golf club, to improve your golf. You put in
[golf organisations] this way you know the correct results would be
more likely to come up like a local golf cub that might want new
members and not get bogged down with heaps of shops trying to sell
“golf club sets”

Received on Tuesday, 19 August 2014 20:19:05 UTC