Re: why is role="navigation" wrong for a section

Sören Piehler <>, 2013-12-19 11:23 +0000:

> Line 955, Column 47: Bad value navigation for attribute role on element section. 
>  <section id="nav-extended" role="navigation">
> What is wrong with that, given the content of the section is navigational?!

The HTML spec requires the role value for <section> to be one of: alert,
alertdialog, application, contentinfo, dialog, document, log, main,
marquee, region, search, status or presentation.

If your <section> is navigational maybe it shouldn't be a <section> but
instead should be a <nav> or even just a <div>


Michael[tm] Smith

Received on Friday, 20 December 2013 12:00:36 UTC