Hello i have a problem in html5 validation

Validation Output: 3 Errors

   1. [image: Warning] *Line 7, Column 68*: Attribute $function_to_remove,
   is not serializable as XML 1.0.

   <remove_action($tag, $function_to_remove, $priority, $accepted_args*>*/

   2. [image: Warning] *Line 7, Column 68*: Attribute $priority, is not
   serializable as XML 1.0.

   <remove_action($tag, $function_to_remove, $priority, $accepted_args*>*/

   3. [image: Warning] *Line 7, Column 68*: Attribute $accepted_args is not
   serializable as XML 1.0.

   <remove_action($tag, $function_to_remove, $priority, $accepted_args*>*/

   4. [image: Warning] *Line 7, Column 68*: Element name
   remove_action($tag, cannot be represented as XML 1.0.

   <remove_action($tag, $function_to_remove, $priority, $accepted_args*>*/

   5. [image: Error] *Line 7, Column 68*: Element remove_action($tag, not
   allowed as child of element body in this context. (Suppressing further
   errors from this subtree.)

   <remove_action($tag, $function_to_remove, $priority, $accepted_args*>*/

   Content model for element
   :Flow content <http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec-author-view/#flow-content>.
   6. [image: Error] *Line 166, Column 24*: An body start tag seen but an
   element of the same type was already open.

   <body class="home blog"*>*

   7. [image: Error] *Line 166, Column 24*: Cannot recover after last
   error. Any further errors will be ignored.

   <body class="home blog"*>*



Received on Tuesday, 4 September 2012 22:09:40 UTC