Re: Improvement of error message

On Thu, 21 Jun 2012 23:02:25 -0500
Brad Kruse <> wrote:

> For the IQ impaired, huh? Sending to an inaccessible page seems rather
> unhelpful.

Whereas rude comments with no context to help discern what you're
talking about are, by contrast, a brilliant idea.

> The question here, is why is the HTML error parser processing the
> contents of "href" attribute values, when properly enclosed by
> matching quotation marks?

"HTML error parser"?

Do you mean the validator?  If so, it validates according to
W3C published standards.  If not, tell us what you do mean.

> Apparently,

Apparent to whom?  Not to anyone who has read the standard, or
the FAQ, or followed the explanation in a validator error message,
or read any remotely respectable tutorial.  Unless something
you forgot to mention has changed radically since I last looked?

Nick Kew

Received on Sunday, 24 June 2012 23:24:48 UTC