Re: Element style is missing required attribute scoped, but scoped is a boolean attribute

"Jens O. Meiert" <>, 2012-07-29 21:33 -0700:

> > Then why when I add the scoped attribute does the validator say: The scoped
> > attribute on the style element is not supported by browsers yet. It would
> > probably be better to wait for implementations
> Validator team—I realize this is not an error message, however is it
> useful,

Yeah, we think it's useful. Otherwise we wouldn't have made time to add

Specifically, it's useful to make users aware of the fact that an element
or attribute they have in a document is not actually supported yet by any
browsers, or by only one browser, etc.

Otherwise, what happens is that users look at the spec, see some new
element or attribute, then put it into a document... and then find out it
doesn't work in their browser as expected, or at all. And then they start
to wonder if that's because they've done something wrong. In other words,
they can end up wasting a significant amount of their time trying to
troubleshoot markup that's not actually implemented yet.

> or necessary?

It's not necessary as far as any spec requiring us to emit a message for
it. But there are quite a number of features in the validator that aren't
strictly necessary but that have been added in the interest of helping to
prevent users from wasting their time unnecessarily. That warning message
may be annoying but it wastes very little of a user's time.

> The message seems well-intentioned but I could see it come off a little
> patronizing,

If you have suggestions for alternative wording, let me know.

> and I wonder if it’s necessary to monitor and reflect implementations?

Yeah, and that's what we're already doing. But in this case, I've not
gotten to it for case of style@scoped yet, so the validator backend is just
not up to date with the current implementation information. I will be
updating it some time soon.


Michael[tm] Smith

Received on Monday, 30 July 2012 16:01:50 UTC