Reporting line number is inaccurate

When I have an error, the validator reports as "Line 26, column 8: end
tag for "ul" omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified".

This is fine, but my error is not on line 26.

When I click 'view source' through your validator, I see that it
removes all the whitespace in the <head></head> and squeezes it all on
line 1. If it didn't do that, the line number, when looking at the
'view source' in my browser (or in my text editor if it's a static
html page) actually has a line number of "Line 114, column 9".

Should the line number not reflect the original source code and not
the stripped whitespace source code?

Brett Alton

Received on Tuesday, 10 May 2011 08:25:40 UTC