Validator Failure -//W3C//DTD XHTML+ARIA 1.0//EN


To reiterate on a prior submitted feedback, the W3C Validator is not
supporting the XHTML+ARIA 1.0 DTD as it did prior to 4 Mar 2011.

On the simplest of Web documents,, the Validator produces
the following errors wherein every element and attribute produce false

1.      DTD did not contain element declaration for document type name

2.      There is no attribute "xmlns"

3.      There is no attribute "xml:lang"

4.      Element "html" undefined

5.      Element "head" undefined

6.      Element "title" undefined

7.      Element "body" undefined

Obviously, on more complex and functional content pages, the false-positive
reported errors by the Validator will number in the thousands.

Granted there may be no more than thirty-three and one-third people who
validate against the XHTML+ARIA 1.0 DTD, such does not excuse away its
importance and the obvious failure of the Validator.

Resolution of the problem would be appreciated or at least a formal response
on why such issues cannot/will not be resolved/addressed, albeit use of a
custom DTD would solve the problems.

Thank you very much. 

Received on Saturday, 12 March 2011 10:30:29 UTC