Re: [VE][108] Add Subject Here

2011-06-18 11:37, Eman Borg wrote:

> Attribute spellcheck in input tag is a valid attribute for Chrome

A markup (SGML or XML) markup validator verifies a document against the 
defined Document Type Definition (DTD). It is irrelevant in that process 
what browsers do.

> Validating
> Error [108]: "there is no attribute X"

Your document declares the XHTML 4.01 Transitional DTD, and it indeed 
does not contain the spellcheck attribute.

Your options:

1) Just ignore the error message, and manually check that your use of 
the attribute correspond to available information on browser support and 
on the new HTML specification being developed (the HTML5 drafts).

2) Replace the attribute by JavaScript code that sets the corresponding 
IDL attribute. This is trickery of course but it silences the validator.

3) Modify the DTD used by adding the attribute there. Instructions for 
modifying DTDs:

4) Move to HTML5. This would probably require many changes and good 
planning. (With the specific page, the main problem would be that HTML5 
is picky about <meta name> tags, and you would need to have your meta 
vocabulary registered in the wikish system for that. But other pages of 
the site might have more serious problems.)


Received on Sunday, 19 June 2011 06:09:49 UTC