Re: Validation Result Question

I think one can safely assume that the content of each website differs, thus 
it is possible that some strange character or the content itself changes the 
flow of the validator ... leading to an error. Can you post both website url's 


On 12/06/2011 19:00, DerekSEO wrote:
> I have two websites using exactly the same theme. The one passes the 
> validation test and the other gives me one error. The error is in this piece 
> of code and specifically the area highlighted:
> function my_breadcrumbs() {
>  global $post, $wp_query, $author;
>  $home = "Home";
>  $separator = "→";
> $before = "<span class=current>";
>  $after = "</span>";
> Here is the error message:
> Error /Line 136, Column 52/: an attribute value specification must be an 
> attribute value literal unless SHORTTAG YES is specified
> |…p://">Home</a>   <span class=*c*urrent>SEO Search Engine Optimization S…|
> However, the exact same code is contained in both sites and in both themes 
> in exactly the same way, syntax and all, without any difference.  Yet the 
> one shows an error and the other passes.  Could you please help me with this?
> Thanks
> Derek Prinsloo
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Received on Tuesday, 14 June 2011 06:29:20 UTC