Re: [VE][64] Document type does not allow body here

2011-07-12 8:50, Matthew Borcello wrote:

> Line 17 Column 86
> Why doesn't it allow body here?
> Validating
> Error [64]: "document type does not allow element X here"

It's usually best to work out the error messages in their order, as a 
syntax error easily causes subsequent constructs to be parsed in a 
manner you didn't mean.

In this case, the first error message relates to line 12, and it is 
somewhat obscure, and in such cases it often helps to look at the markup 
_before_ that line. And you'll notice that line 11 contains an attribute 
value denotation that starts with a quotation mark but there is no 
closing quotation mark. This implies that the validator proceeds to the 
next quotation mark and assumes _it_ to terminate the quoted string. And 
then confusion arises, as that quotation mark was meant to be opening.


Received on Tuesday, 12 July 2011 06:07:18 UTC